Transgender Europe launches the TvT project’s “Legal and Social Mapping 2014” at the XXVII ILGA conference in Mexico-City

The “Legal and Social Mapping 2014” covers the legal and for the first time social situation of trans persons in 116 countries across the globe. The following world regions are listed: Africa (9 countries), Asia (18 countries), Central and South America (25 countries), Europe (49 countries), and Oceania (17 countries).

The world mapping is published in three volumes that provide detailed information on the following subjects:

#1 Legal Gender Recognition, Anti-Discrimination, Hate Crime and Asylum Legislation

#2 Criminalisation, Prosecution, State-Sponsored Discrimination and Hormones, Hormone Therapy and Gender Reassignment Treatment/Surgery

#3 Community/Movement, Good Practices and Reports of Transphobic Incidents Two regional mappings (Europe and Oceania) complement the material.

The “Legal and Social Mapping 2014” was conducted by Transgender Europe’s Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide (TvT) research project in close cooperation with activists and experts from all world regions. A comprehensive questionnaire developed by the TvT project’s research team and reviewed by more than 15 researchers and activists from all six worlds regions was distributed to over 100 international activists and experts, who provided detailed information including comments and explanations on the specific situation in the respective country.

All 5 new mappings can be downloaded as PDFs from our website:

The mappings will be launched at the XXVII ILGA world conference in Mexico-City from October 27 to 31 2014, where copies will be available. If you want to order printed copies from the TGEU office in Berlin, please send a request to research[at] In November 2012 Transgender Europe published the TvT research report “TRANSRESPECT VERSUS TRANSPHOBIA WORLDWIDE – A Comparative Review of the Human-rights Situation of Gendervariant/Trans People”, which discusses and contextualizes the key findings of the TvT project. You can download the research report here: