The Trans Murder Monitoring (TMM) project systematically monitors, collects and analyses reports of homicides of trans and gender-diverse people worldwide. The Trans Murder Monitoring project started in April 2009 as a cooperation between Transgender Europe (TGEU) and the academic online magazine Liminalis – A Journal for Sex/Gender Emancipation and Resistance. With the involvement of the editorial team of Liminalis, the TMM became a pilot project of Transgender Europe’s “Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide” research project in September 2009.
Read more »Since 2014 TGEU has been working with partner organisations from Eastern Europe and Central Asia on monitoring violence and human rights violations against trans people in this region. The project also has an advocacy part, and the data collected through our monitoring is used to target stakeholders in order to better the human rights situation of trans people. Our project partners have also offered community-based support services for survivors of violence and increased knowledge about possibilities for redress among the trans community.
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