The TvT project started as a research project with close cooperation across continents. In the beginning only research trainings were hold, e.g. on peer research in October 2011 in Berlin (Germany). At the TvT Strategic Planning meeting in 2012 in Stockholm (Sweden), following a demand from partners in the global South and East, it was mutually decided to also include capacity building trainings. Supported by its partners in the global South and East, in 2013 TGEU included capacity building and peer research trainings in the grant application. In 2014 four such trainings were hold in Budapest (Hungary), Darwin (Australia), Bangkok (Thailand), and Mexico-City (Mexico).
The trainings were conceptualized in an interactive way with several exercises following the inputs given by the trainers, which focussed on topics that were decided on before by TGEU and its partners. Participants and trainers were trans and intersex people from several world regions. The contents for each of the trainings were modified depending on the needs and opportunities of the participants and/or the local hosts.
More detailed information regarding the trainings already hold, you may find below in the posts.
In September 2015 TGEU together with ARC International holds an UN capacity building training at the UN in Geneva.
The TvT team will continue to organize such training in the coming years. In 2016 there will be peer research trainings in Asia organized in cooperation with APTN as well as capacity building trainings at the 6th European Transgender Council in Bologna (Italy) and the XX ILGA World conference in Bangkok (Thailand).
TvT peer research training in Bangkok, Thailand The TvT peer research training in Bangkok, Thailand was part of the implementation of the TvT survey on trans and gender variant people’s ...
TvT capacity building training at 5th European Transgender Council in Budapest (Hungary) The TvT capacity building training was held on April 30 2014 and on May 1 2014. Apart from ...
Pro Trans project / TvT project exchange meeting The TvT project / Pro Trans project Exchange meeting was held before the 5th European Transgender Council on May 1st 2014. The ...